CEOs Talk the Talk, but do they Walk the Walk?

May 22 2024

New Survey Exposes DE&I Failures and AAAtraq Unveils the Game-Changing Equity Performance SCORECARD

A recent survey released by WebMD Health Services on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I), highlights a worrying trend: 62% of employees believe DE&I programs aren’t effective, and nearly half (46%) feel personally let down by the programs. Lack of accountability is the main cause according to almost half of the survey participants - public endorsement of DE&I by CEOs is not matched by meaningful action.

It’s well documented that the effectiveness of DE&I programs depends on three key factors. One is an organisation's true intentions, including the goals behind their program. Two is recognising the need to evolve processes to set the organisation up to deliver those goals successfully. Third is engaging leadership to promote and be role models for DE&I programs.

There is however a fourth crucial element: providing the C-suite with real, non-technical evidence that shows how well an organisation is performing and, importantly, what improvements can be made. Executives need clarity; they need to know who is best placed to help and where to allocate the budget. This is often where good intentions fall down.

The Equity Performance Scorecard (EPS): A Comprehensive Solution

Introducing the Equity Performance Scorecard (EPS) which can be included in board report packs; a comprehensive solution designed to provide clear performance scores, monitoring and validation. The EPS is meticulously designed to cater to organisations with multiple websites, recognising the diverse digital footprint of modern enterprises. With the capability to offer monthly audit reporting against Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance, it stands as a beacon of transparency in today’s corporate landscape.

Comprehensive Coverage

The EPS casts a wide net, diligently covering ESG issues such as environmental concerns by evaluating the organisation’s carbon footprint. It delves into social aspects, ensuring that web content meets accessibility standards and complies with ADA guidelines. Additionally, it scrutinises governance structures to safeguard user privacy thereby presenting a holistic view of DE&I performance.

Clarity: Empowering Executives with Clear Insights

Clarity is the main driver behind the introduction of EPS. Executives don’t need a bombardment of technical jargon; they need a clear overview of their organisation's current DE&I status and the areas that require improvement. EPS is an essential tool for making the invisible, visible.

EPS ensures that executives are no longer exposed to fragmented reports and siloed initiatives. Instead, they receive an independent assessment that aligns with their strategic objectives, crucial for setting realistic goals and securing the necessary budget to achieve them. By utilising a simple score system to provide detailed, actionable insights into their digital landscape, executives gain the clarity needed to see exactly where their organisation stands. In turn, this understanding empowers them to drive meaningful change while mitigating risks and ensuring compliance.

Actionable Insights

Leveraging cutting-edge analytics, the EPS distils complex data into actionable insights. By meticulously analysing pertinent metrics, it equips stakeholders with the tools necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of compliance expenditures. Armed with this knowledge, organisations can make informed decisions that drive impactful change and foster a culture of inclusivity.


At the heart of the EPS lies the principle of empowerment. By providing executives with unbiased clarity, it facilitates well-informed decisions and strategic alignment with stakeholder expectations. Through its user-friendly interface and intuitive reporting mechanisms, the EPS empowers leaders to navigate the complexities of DE&I initiatives with confidence and conviction.

Making a Difference

Embracing the EPS is not just about meeting compliance standards; it’s about leading the way in promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the digital age – a strategic priority that delivers tangible value. Let us unite in leveraging the power of the EPS to forge a more inclusive and equitable future for all.

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