Webinar - Digital Accessibility / The Viscardi Center

May 08 2024

Webinar - Digital Accessibility Shouldn’t be a Thousand-Piece Puzzle! - Still time to register! May 16th, 2024, 13:00 – 14:00 (Eastern (EDT) Time Zone)

Agenda: Streamlining Your Journey to Inclusive Digital Experiences

Feeling overwhelmed by digital accessibility complexities? The Viscardi Center has you covered! Register now and unravel the intricacies of digital accessibility. “It’s time to bust the myths and turn the fears and challenges upside down to help you become empowered and confident in conquering digital accessibility. Learn about processes, best practices, and metrics to start getting wins fast.

The session will include an overview of how to streamline your journey to provide inclusive digital experiences. Together, we will explore simplifying digital accessibility for organizational success, creating a solid framework for sustainable accessibility practices. Finally, we will showcase a complete support system for your accessibility journey.”

Session Takeaways:

  • Dispelling the Myths: Simplifying Digital Accessibility for Organizational Success
  • Critical Building Blocks: Creating a Solid Framework for Sustainable Accessibility Practices
  • The CurbCutOS Platform: A complete Support System for your Accessibility Journey

Closed Captioning (Remote CART) will be provided during the live event.

Rest assured, you’re in capable hands.

- Mike Caprara (Moderator), CIO of The Viscardi Center.
- Mark Pound, CEO of CurbCutOS, Inc.

Both our close industry friends, to guide you through the session.

Join them on May 16th, 2024, 13:00 – 14:00
(United States – Eastern (EDT) Time Zone).

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain practical solutions and confidence in conquering digital accessibility.

Register now at
https://www.viscardicenter.org/event/webinar-digital-accessibility-shouldnt-be-a-thousand-piece-puzzle/ (opens in a new window)

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