Revolutionizing Digital Accessibility: How AI is Transforming Website Management

Aug 19 2024

Artificial intelligence is reshaping digital accessibility by making websites smarter and more inclusive. With over half of government sites failing to meet accessibility standards, AI offers a game-changing solution to ensure that everyone can access digital services effortlessly.

Staying Ahead in a Rapidly Evolving Digital Landscape

To keep up with the ever-changing digital landscape, continually enhancing your website is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and delivering an exceptional user experience. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer in website development, offering powerful tools to streamline various aspects of site management. From content generation and optimization to advanced data analysis and personalized user experiences, AI technology provides a myriad of benefits. Its capabilities are reshaping how we approach digital accessibility

Federal Agencies Embrace AI for Accessibility

A recent article by Jory Heckman from Federal News Network highlights a growing trend among federal agencies to utilize AI for addressing digital accessibility issues on their websites. This shift is particularly important given that more than half of all government websites have at least one accessibility problem, according to data from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the General Services Administration (GSA). Federal Chief Information Officer Clare Martorana underscores the urgency of this transformation, stating, "Currently, 60 percent of government websites are not fully usable by those who use assistive technologies.

This is unacceptable. We need to ensure that every interaction with government websites is seamless and accessible for everyone, regardless of their abilities. Our new guidance will drive significant improvements in digital accessibility, making it easier for all Americans to access government services and information."

Emphasizing Inclusivity in Digital Transformation

As highlighted by Tristan Louis, CEO and president of Casebook PBC, inclusivity is critical not just in government policies but in the digital experiences provided by these agencies. Louis emphasizes that “fostering inclusivity through thoughtful changes in practices can significantly enhance public trust and engagement.” This approach aligns with the broader goal of making government services more accessible and welcoming to all individuals, thus improving overall performance and community relationships.

Expert Opinions on AI’s Impact

According to Jory Heckman’s recent article in Federal News Network, experts such as Betsy Sirk, Director of Digital Accessibility and Strategic Sourcing at NASA, and Joe Carter, Director of Customer Experience at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), highlight that AI could significantly enhance the identification and remediation of accessibility issues. They suggest that AI could improve the accuracy of web accessibility tools by up to 10% and create more intuitive user interfaces.

AAAtraq, a leader in digital accessibility solutions, aligns with these insights. Lawrence Shaw, CEO of AAAtraq, asserts, “The future has to evolve, and we have to embrace AI due to the sheer scale of today’s digital challenge.” He goes on to say, “We ought to look at what makes a difference, what really matters. Website content is the key to delivering inclusivity, and AI could assist in, and remove, 75-80% of the problems with minimal human supervision.

I would suggest we look at what’s important, and this is and will be a controversial point: which of the WCAG technical guidelines actually impact real life experience? There are less than 15 checkpoints which are considered high priority, and it can be shown how AI can deal with at least 12 of these, and in the case of a couple of others, it can at least guide people through what needs to be done, along with how to check. There is a lot of money to be made when getting into the depth of these technical standards, and the question is this: is there a commercial incentive perhaps to keep AI and automation away from the problem?”

Looking Ahead: Next-Generation AI Capabilities

Lawrence Shaw is committed to unveiling the next level, third generation of AI capabilities, aiming to deliver realistic solutions, “without silly marketing promises, no sales hype and no ‘one line of code to compliance utopia’! Just how technology will soon be doing the majority of the work, supported by appropriate levels of human supervision.”

To assess your website’s accessibility independently, use the AAAtraq Risk checker for a free evaluation (no email required) at (opens in a new window)

For more insights into how AI is transforming accessibility and addressing other digital challenges, join Federal News Network’s Cyber Leaders Exchange 2024 for a 1-hour webinar on October 1-2, 2024. Register here to participate: (opens in a new window)

Further Reading:

Federal News Network - More Agencies Turn to AI to Fix Website Accessibility Issues (opens in a new window)

FedTech Magazine - How NSA Ensures Technology Remains Accessible and Usable for All Employees (opens in a new window)

White House OMB - Why the American People Deserve a Digital Government (opens in a new window)

GovExec - The Importance of Inclusivity in Government Agencies (opens in a new window)

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