Join Us at CAJPA 2024

Sep 03 2024

AAAtraq announces participation at this year's CAJPA (California Association of Joint Powers Authorities) conference in South Lake Tahoe, from September 10-13, 2024 Addressing the Growing ADA Compliance Risks

With the Department of Justice (DoJ) now enforcing stringent new requirements under Title II, all public entities must ensure their digital content is accessible to individuals with disabilities. At CAJPA, we will be addressing the critical issue of ADA compliance and its financial implications for pools and their vendors. As ADA lawsuits continue to rise, the need for proactive risk management has never been more urgent.

We are proud to introduce SCORECARD, the first tool specifically designed to audit compliance exposure and assess the financial risks associated with ADA, Carbon, and Privacy for pools and their vendors. This innovative solution provides a comprehensive overview of your organization’s risk landscape, enabling you to take control of compliance and avoid costly penalties. Your opportunity to see SCORECARD in action and discover how it can safeguard your operations.

Meet Will Bubenik, from our Business Development Team, himself an accessibility expert, is now working with us to spread the Risk Control Word. He will be available throughout the event to discuss how your organization can assess its exposure to ADA-related risks and implement actionable steps to mitigate potential financial impacts. His insights will be invaluable for anyone looking to better understand the evolving regulatory environment and how we can help you navigate this complex landscape.

For more information on SCORECARD or to schedule a time to meet Will at the conference, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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