Please use the below email addresses to get in touch with us. If you're looking at investing in AAAtraq, please visit our investors page, we also have a separate careers page for those looking to take the next step in their career. Brokers, or new brokerages looking to remove insured risk and offer the AAAtraq RCP (Risk Control Program) please visit the brokers page. For anything else, please use the contact form lower down the page.
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If you have any questions, please view our FAQs page where you'll be able to find the answer to a range of service related questions.
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We don't review organizations own websites for them, this is for your vendors and accessibility specialists. However, you can if you wish purchase a support contract.
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Purpose: Website accessibility makes electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities of all kinds e.g., color blindness and visual, cognitive or hearing disabilities.
Along with Federal 508, ADA requirements, state level regulations are also being added (CA UNRUH & CDE CA gov code 7405, CO HB-1100). Added to this are growing industry requirements, for instance, CPCA has specific accessibility directions, another example being the compliance needs under AACA, impacting airlines using US Airspace.
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