Grants / Funding: Ensuring ADA Compliance

Jul 31 2024

Grants are available at various levels, including federal, state, and local governments, and they aim to address a range of disability issues, including those in the digital space - an introduction to available resources.

There’s a lot of talk nowadays about ADA digital compliance. Ensuring ADA compliance means making necessary modifications to facilities, services, and policies to accommodate people with disabilities, promoting inclusivity and equal access. For a long time, businesses and public entities have been obliged to ensure their physical spaces and services are accessible.

However, the focus is now expanding to the digital realm, with a growing urgency for public entities and businesses to make their digital content accessible.

While the business sector often faces litigation over accessibility issues, public entities are now on a countdown to comply with federal digital accessibility standards within the next two years. After this period, they become eligible for lawsuits by the government (notwithstanding the constant threat of litigation by the private sector) if their online content is not accessible. This shift underscores the importance of ADA digital compliance, ensuring websites, apps, and digital documents are usable by everyone, including those with disabilities. By addressing both physical and digital accessibility, organizations can avoid legal issues and open their doors to millions of potential customers who live with disabilities.

Organizations need to invest in this area by enlisting the services of corporate providers because failing to comply with the rules can be extremely costly, not just in terms of potential legal repercussions but also in missed business opportunities. In support of these efforts, ADA compliance grants are available, designed to support projects and initiatives that improve access for people with disabilities.

Identifying Relevant Grants

Grants are available at various levels, including federal, state, and local governments, and they aim to address a range of disability issues, including those in the digital space. However, there is no single source for all accessibility compliance funding. The first step is to research and identify grants that match your specific accessibility needs and goals.

Useful resources include official government websites and grant databases such as (opens in a new window)

The Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATiA) provides a Resources Funding Guide which outlines various potential sources and opportunities for funding. While the list isn’t exhaustive, it’s a useful starting point. (opens in a new window)

IRS Credit

According to, an IRS credit of up to $5,000 is available to businesses seeking to comply with ADA requirements. This credit helps cover costs for equipment, building modifications, and other services related to accessibility, such as removing barriers for individuals with disabilities, providing assistive technology for hearing and visual impairments, and acquiring or modifying equipment.

More information on “Sec.44. Expenditures To Provide Access To Disabled Individuals” can be found at (opens in a new window)

Updated San Francisco Accessibility Grant Guidelines

Several states offer grants and funding opportunities for accessibility improvements. Each state may have different eligibility requirements, application processes, and types of funding available. San Francisco has updated the guidelines on how to apply for a grant to make your business accessible, effective July 22, 2024.

To qualify, your business must be registered in San Francisco, open to the public, and meet specific revenue and employee thresholds: under $2.5 million in gross revenue for a single location or under $8 million for multiple locations, with an average of 100 or fewer employees. Exclusions apply to religious organizations, private clubs, short-term rentals, home-based businesses, and property owners leasing public accommodations.

To apply, gather necessary documentation, including your business address, revenue information, and details of any CASp inspections or paid invoices for accessibility improvements. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and will be processed within 15 days. Ensure all documents are complete and up-to-date, as funding is awarded at the City's discretion and may require proof of how funds were used.

For more details, visit the official San Francisco grant webpage (opens in a new window).

ADA Accommodation Fund Overview

The ADA Accommodation Fund, managed by the Statewide Equity Office, provides financial support to State agencies for implementing accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Fund supports physical, sensory, and cognitive accommodations for State employees and the public, ensuring ADA compliance. This includes modifications such as accessible facilities, screen readers, amplified phones, noise-canceling technologies, ASL interpreters, and flexible work arrangements. The Fund also addresses digital accessibility needs by providing resources for assistive technologies and adapting online content to be usable for individuals with disabilities.

State agencies can request reimbursement for accommodation-related expenses by submitting a Request Accommodation Reimbursement form within 60 days of receiving a request. The ADA accommodations specialist reviews these requests based on their effectiveness, outcome, and sustainability. Approved requests are processed by the Finance Office and documented by the Statewide Equity Office, while rejected requests can be appealed. The Fund's impact is continually assessed through annual surveys to address service gaps and improve accessibility efforts across the state.

For more information, visit the Statewide Equity Office’s accessibility page. (opens in a new window)

No More Excuses!

The risk of litigation due to non-compliance is real, and the availability of ADA compliance grants means there are no excuses for inaction. These grants can significantly reduce the financial burden of making necessary modifications, making it easier for businesses to create inclusive environments. All it takes is a bit of research to find and apply for these funds.

The importance of ADA compliance extends far beyond legal requirements; it represents a commitment to fairness and equality, ensuring that individuals with disabilities can fully participate in society. Businesses can no longer afford to delay making their operations accessible. It’s not just a legal obligation—it's an essential component of social responsibility.

Understand where you are?

To assess your digital accessibility, use tools like the website checker at (opens in a new window) which offers a free and straightforward way to evaluate how compliant your website is with accessibility standards. Ensuring your business is accessible is both a legal necessity and an opportunity to enhance your reputation, broaden your customer base, and demonstrate a genuine commitment to inclusivity.

The time to act is now—leverage the available resources and make your business accessible today.

Further Reading and Resources (opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) (opens in a new window)

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