AAAtraq at CAJPA 2024: Launching ADA Compliance Solutions

Oct 08 2024

A great opportunity to connect with pools and introduce new digital risk management tools, helping organizations better manage compliance and mitigate risks.

We had a fantastic time at CAJPA 2024 in South Lake Tahoe, where we connected with many AAAtraq pools, current clients, brokers, and numerous support service providers. It was great meeting so many organizations dedicated to helping pools understand and mitigate various risks.

The event underscored the increasing urgency for public entities, including pools, to address the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirement that public-facing websites be accessible to individuals with disabilities, ensuring equal access to digital information and services.

With the Department of Justice (DoJ) now enforcing these requirements under Title II, public entities are under growing pressure to ensure their websites are accessible to individuals with disabilities. As ADA-related lawsuits continue to rise, the need for proactive risk management has never been more critical.

At CAJPA, we proudly launched our new Compliance SCORECARD, the first tool specifically designed to audit compliance exposure and assess the risks associated with ADA, Carbon, and Privacy for pools and their vendors. As we discussed during the event, 96% of content still fails basic ADA requirements, putting many public entities at risk. SCORECARD offers an unbiased, independent analysis of a pool’s digital compliance, exposing where they are failing and where they are most vulnerable to potential legal risk.

SCORECARD doesn’t just reveal gaps in compliance; it provides a roadmap to monitor progress, drive improvements, and ensure long-term compliance. In today’s regulatory environment, pools that take control of their digital accessibility will avoid the significant risks posed by non-compliance and stay ahead of potential legal challenges.

For more information on SCORECARD and how it can safeguard your operations, please reach out to us at

Thank you to everyone who visited us at the event. We look forward to continuing the conversation and helping pools protect themselves in this evolving landscape!

See you all again next year!

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