
Articles (in date order)

Schools, ensuring ADA Compliance: Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

Jul 25 2024

The question is, will public entities leave their homework until the last minute? Some are working under the mistaken belief that the government will show leniency towards educational institutions. This is a dangerous and entirely unverified assumption.

Responsibility for compliance (ADA) vs marketed claims.

Jul 11 2024

L'Oréal, a global beauty giant, has faced several lawsuits in the past regarding issues with accessibility compliance. L'Oréal has been sued for allegedly failing to make its websites accessible to visually impaired users and therefore failing to meet the standards set by the ADA.....

New ADA Rule Effective June 24: Ensuring Accessible Content for All

Jul 01 2024

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has updated Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This mandates that all public entities ensure their digital content is accessible.

The surprising impact of accessibility on engagement

Jun 17 2024

The surprising impact of website and app accessibility on reach and engagement / GUEST BLOG Dan Drury

The importance of having your the Equity Performance Certificate™

Jun 11 2024

Dan Drury Introducing the Equity Performance Certificate™ ahead of the EACD 2024 Annual conference, May 27-28 / Brussels

CEOs Talk the Talk, but do they Walk the Walk?

May 22 2024

New Survey Exposes DE&I Failures and AAAtraq Unveils the Game-Changing Equity Performance SCORECARD

Navigating the New ADA Rule: Implications for Accessibility in Education

May 16 2024

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has issued an unprecedented final ruling on Title II of the ADA, mandating website accessibility as a legal requirement for public entities. This ruling marks a significant advancement in ensuring equal access to government services preventing discrimination.

Webinar - Digital Accessibility / The Viscardi Center

May 08 2024

Webinar - Digital Accessibility Shouldn’t be a Thousand-Piece Puzzle! - Still time to register! May 16th, 2024, 13:00 – 14:00 (Eastern (EDT) Time Zone)

Ensuring Relevance: The Imperative for CMS Vendors to Integrate Compliance Tools

Apr 30 2024

As businesses demand faster content publishing and compliance with stringent legal standards, the need for seamless integration of tools like Sitemorse within CMS platforms has never been more critical.

Final Ruling on ADA Title II - DoJ Mandates Website Accessibility

Apr 26 2024

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has issued their final ruling on Title II of the ADA, mandating website accessibility as a legal requirement for public entities.

CA Bill 1757 / Accessibility Impact

Mar 26 2024

California Assembly Bill 1757: The Potential Impact on Website Accessibility

Navigating the European Accessibility Act

Mar 12 2024

Navigating Compliance with the European Accessibility Act: Strategies, Pitfalls and Benefits

Webinar // Tridion and Accessibility

Feb 24 2024

Tridion Sites - The Roadmap for your future Digital Experiences, 2024 trends like Accessibility, Website Performance, and AI

Testing mobile apps, a service to try

Feb 07 2024

Service that may be worth a look, check your apps accessibility (ADA) compliance - 'Abra Desktop' as it is now available in Beta.

Navigating Vendor Accountability

Dec 15 2023

Ensure Your Developer Takes Responsibility or Risk Accountability Yourself.

Steps to Stars Walkthrough of the AAAtraq System

Nov 29 2023

New videos online - offering additional help and support at each stage of AAAtraq Continuous Protection compliance journey.

Is Content Management one of the route causes of accessibility failure?

Oct 24 2023

What is compliance?
How content management leads to most websites failing to meet accessibility standards.

Compliance vs. Legal Risks: Protected or Vulnerable?

Sep 20 2023

Web accessibility goes beyond technical guidelines; it is an emotionally charged subject with high stakes.

Web Accessibility (new '2.2' guidelines) AAAtraq service impact

Sep 05 2023

You may have heard of the updates the 'WCAG' (technical web content guidelines) and be wondering how we are going to incorporate into AAAtraq. Will litigation be even most complex, confusing - is a technical standard fit for litigation purposes?

External article - Travel websites failing basic accessibility tests

Sep 01 2023

Extract of the article on Phocuswire 'Travel websites failing basic accessibility tests' following interview with Lawrence Shaw

US Higher Ed Face Millions in Legal Pay-outs…Due to their Websites

Aug 17 2023

AAAtraq’s July audit shows that most of the 97% of H Ed who failed The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance tests were let down on their home page, leaving them sitting ducks and exposed to unnecessary legal action.

Times They Are A-Changin' for CFOs, even more so for website vendors

Aug 01 2023

When it comes to online ADA risk, The Times They Are A-Changin' for CFOs, even more so for website software vendors, consultants and service providers

PRESS RELEASE / Justice Department Advances Proposed ADA Rules

Jul 25 2023

Justice Department Advances Proposed Rule to Strengthen Web and Mobile App Access for People with Disabilities and clarify how public entities can meet their existing ADA obligations as activities shift online.

The true repercussions of failing ADA compliance.

Jul 12 2023

LA College pays out $240,000 - what were the internal costs, and ongoing distraction? With 96% of content presently failing and new laws on the horizon it's no wonder Education is a litigation top 3.

Don't Shoot the Messenger - We're Here to Help!

Jul 04 2023

Until now accountability may have been lacking, we do not have a position to protect - we want to ensure those paying for compliance, achieve it.

Your organisation has a digital landscape, and it's valuable!

Jun 27 2023

CFO's - online Risk is leaving you unnecessarily financially exposed, short term it's repeated spending to fail - long term undermine brand value.

Mid-Year 2023 ADA 'accessibility' Update

Jun 14 2023

Mid 2023, and it's same old same old - ever more ADA cases..... noticeable increase in claims against 'widget' providers (despite their compliance promise).

Do universities even know the extent of their digital estate?

May 11 2023

Universities and other higher education institutions tend to have a large digital footprint, spread across different sites and channels that have grown over time. In many cases this represents a “sprawl” with uncontrolled growth of the website estate, lacking central governance and controls.

How retailers can improve performance and uplift sales in just one week

May 05 2023

18th May 2023
1pm (BST) on Zoom

AAAtraq are pleased to host a live webinar to help retailers improve their online performance.

The Value and Importance of Automation

May 04 2023

Sitemorse likes to keep in regular contact with their clients, and feedback is essential to them! From many of their recent conversations and, of course, the current economic climate, they’re very aware of the balancing act authorities are playing between budgets, with compliance. This isn’t just an issue in Government at a Local level; Central Government must also keep a watchful eye on budgets. Many authorities are keen to make the case to senior management about maintaining a dedicated web team and evidence the important role a good website can play in increasing efficiency, and how cost effective this is.

Why the CFO needs to own digital inclusivity

Apr 27 2023

A website must be accessible by law, and there are considerable financial risks associated with non-compliance. Every year more dollars are being spent on litigation, and the numbers are likely to keep on rising. At the same time, initiatives that are designed to drive compliance are simply not working. The situation is untenable in the longer term.

Why independent and understandable reporting is essential for tackling online accessibility

Apr 19 2023

Each year there is an alarming increase in the level of litigation relating to online accessibility. In 2022 there were 3,255 claims filed in the US (opens in a new window), a year-on-year rise of 12%. These are the just the results that are in the public domain – there are thousands more ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) demand letters that are settled out of court.

Why did we form AAAtraq?

Apr 12 2023

AAAtraq is the world’s first service to combine automated compliance software with litigation support and costs coverage indemnity, giving organizations the opportunity to effectively manage the risks around online accessibility compliance and the inevitable corresponding costs.

Despite billions spent, 94% of websites continue to discriminate against people living with disabilities

Apr 04 2023

Lack of executive ownership of the process of improving your website is at the heart of the problem

There is a societal need to be inclusive, and a legal requirement not to discriminate. Over the last five years, compliance spend and litigation have continued to rise, but with no discernible improvement in website accessibility compliance.

Cross Border digital compliance challenges

Mar 30 2023

In the digital age, businesses and organizations must take into account their cross-border responsibilities when it comes to digital compliance. This includes ensuring accessibility and privacy for all users, regardless of their location or nationality. With the increasing use of the internet and digital technologies, it is crucial that website owners and operators understand their responsibilities and take the necessary steps to comply with regulations in different jurisdictions. Failure to comply can result in legal and financial consequences, as well as damage to the reputation of the business or organization.

New York State Bill makes vendors and contractors liable for website accessibility

Mar 23 2023

The New York State Senate Bill S7572A, requiring contractors and vendors who supply websites and related services to the state to confirm that the sites and/or services meet website accessibility standards, became law on December 2, 2022 and will take effect on May 31, 2023. This bill has significant implications for contractors and vendors who work with the state, as well as for the state itself.

Digital Sprawl undermining ESG initiatives

Mar 21 2023

What is digital sprawl?

Post COVID, the number of digital assets including websites, web applications and online content has continued to grow rapidly. Digital sprawl refers to the proliferation of these digital assets which occurs within organizations without proper oversight and control of them, e.g., websites can be created for a variety of reasons such as personal projects, experimental initiatives and promotional events.

94% Of Websites Continue To Discriminate, Unnecessarily Risking Litigation Under The ADA

Mar 13 2023

New York, March 13, 2023 - Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is already costing billions, to the Higher Education sector in particular, yet evidence shows that current approaches are failing.

Online ADA – Why Higher Education CFOs Need Oversight

Jan 19 2023

Litigation against higher education institutions for non-compliance with online ADA shows no sign up slowing down, with recent cases against Harvard (opens in a new window), Berkeley (opens in a new window), Colgate (opens in a new window), Mercer (opens in a new window), Lafayette and Loyola (opens in a new window) – to name but a few.

What will be the 2023 ADA Website Litigation trend? – AAAtraq Weekly Round Up

Jan 12 2023

Last week we wrote about new cases already being reported in 2023 (opens in a new window). No doubt we will see more and more cases being reported over the next few weeks. But what’s happened in the last week?

It's now 'Senator' Budd

Jan 11 2023

Key figure on 'online' accessibility bill moves from congress to senate.

Join Our Vendor and Supplier Management Webinar!

Jan 09 2023

To kick the new year off we’re hosting another webinar! This webinar will cover Vendor and Supplier Management, it’s open to all AAAtraq members and will be held on Tuesday, January 17th 2023 at 9:30 PST / 5:30 GMT / 12:30 EST.

New Year, New ADA Litigation – AAAtraq Weekly Round Up

Jan 05 2023

The start of the year often brings about a series of changes with people making new year’s resolutions and organizations starting new campaigns. However, one change we haven’t seen is website ADA legal demands, it’s only a few days into the year and we’re already seeing stories hitting the headlines.

Do laws relating to website and online accessibility affect my organization?

Dec 20 2022

One question that organizations often ask is whether laws relating to website and online accessibility can be applied to them. There can be misconceptions that somehow if an organization is of a particular size or in particular sector, it means they are exempt. The truth is that there are virtually no exemptions – the law affects every organization in the US.

Website Accessibility Failure: Why Top US Universities Aren’t Doing Enough for Digital Inclusion

Dec 15 2022

Throughout society there is a call to be increasingly inclusive. Yet more than 30 years after the establishment of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990, as well as recurring lawsuits for alleged inaccessible content in violation of the 1973 US Rehabilitation Act, high-branded institutions such as Harvard University and University of California, Berkeley (UCL Berkeley), are failing to achieve digital inclusion for Americans with a wide range of disabilities.

Why do we need a risk management approach to online accessibility?

Dec 13 2022

Why do so many organisations have websites that fail their basic legal requirement of being accessible to people living with disabilities and open themselves up to the risk of litigation?

Why fixing online accessibility is not just an IT or web problem

Dec 06 2022

When it comes to making a website accessible to ensure it meets the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or other similar legislation, the immediate assumption is that this is an area purely for IT, the web or digital team, or a digital agency partner. Most business stakeholders will assume it’s “just one for the techies” to sort out, and a technical problem that can be fixed.

What is an ADA demand letter?

Dec 01 2022

Receiving a demand letter from a legal firm with the potential threat of legal action can be stressful. But it’s becoming an everyday part of running a business.

96% of American Colleges Deny Equal Access to Disabled

Nov 08 2022

New Report Shows Shocking Widespread Failure of Digital Inclusion; Litigation Risk

New York, November 8, 2022 - According to the new Risk INDEX™: Higher Education (opens in a new window) Report from InsurTech AAAtraq (opens in a new window), 96% of higher education websites are not accessible to people who browse the web with assistive devices, making them non-complaint with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In today’s post-secondary education environment, 19.4% of students are disabled.1